
What we provide to our comunity with our ministries at Little River Methodist Church

Introducing GriefShare – GriefShare is a faith based support group for people who have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend through death. It is a 13-week seminar with a video presentation and discussion at each session.  The Spring session at Little River Methodist Church was very well received the community.  We hope to offer this program again.  Check back for more information.  

Teaching and Bible Studies:


You'll learn:

Who these classes are for:

Content consists of whatever Bible studies and Sunday School lessons  are currently ongoing.   We are studying The Chosen – Season 4 beginning soon.  

Adult Sunday School is a great time of learning and fellowship for all adults  Meets in  Fellowship Hall at 9:30 for coffee and snacks followed by lessons and discussion. 

Wednesday Night Adult Study in Faith continues  March 27th with Holy Week focus and reflections of our Lenten journey.    Location:  Fellowship Classroom – Upper Education Building.  


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Who these classes are for:

A great time of food and fellowship for all ages. Community welcome!

Visitors are always welcome.  Invite a friend or neighbor to join us in the new year.  

Volunteers are welcomed and encouraged!!


Youth Ministry


We are excited to welcome Jessica Head as our new Children and Youth Director!

Who these classes are for:

Children, Youth and Volunteers

When we work and play together the bonds of faith strengthen.  

Outreach Ministry:


Who these classes are for:

The Outreach team provides a welcome bag to each family visiting for the first time here at Little River. First time families receive an invitation to Wednesday Night Meals for a true taste of Little River Methodist hospitality.

Welcome your new neighbors. Invite them to worship and fellowship.

Outreach also gets our information into the Cherokee Ledger, Woodstock and Town Lake Magazines, Chamber of Commerce web page and other publications. If you have an activity to share with the community, please contact Jean Lovmo as soon as possible to get the information to these publications in a timely manner.



Who these classes are for:

Jorge Alvarez has been the Director of Music Ministries at Little River Methodist for 10 years. Jorge is a talented musician who loves composing and blending music. He directs the 11:00 Traditional Choir. If you love to sing, call the church office.

Gary Coleman plays acoustic guitar at the 8:30 service. This is a praise service with a selection of more contemporary music.

Food Pantry & Little Library:


Who is this Mission for:

Our Little River Little Food Pantry and Little Library were originally an Eagle Scout project donated to this church. Restocking is run by church volunteers.

Feel free to use the contact information on the website to see what items are on the shortage list. Canned and dry goods, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items are appreciated.

Requests:  canned carrots, lima beans, black beans, chunky soups, chili, cleaners and detergent from Dollar Tree, shampoo and individually packaged toothbrushes.


Scout Ministries:

Cub Scout Pack 625

Girl Scout Troop 14612, 14665, 16397, 22137


Who these classes are for:

Little River has a long and proud Scouting history. The church opens its doors to all levels of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Our Troops are amazing and they strive for excellence in community service projects.

We are proud of our Scouts and hope they will continue to grow.

Men's Ministry:


Mission Statement:

To help men grow in Christ so others may know Christ.

We are here to support spiritual growth in our own men so they may grow as disciples and encourage spiritual formation in others.


Women's Ministry:

You'll learn:

Women of Little River: Becky Hughes is our 2024 President for Women of Little River.


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Mission Statement:

This special group is open to the community. It is an opportunity for those caring for loved ones with special needs to find common bonds and solutions to caregiving challenges. Members of Little River Methodist Church facilitate this group. They also provide resources and literature information.