Little River Methodist Church Missions

Serving God and our Woodstock, Georgia community.

Sunday Services :

  • 8:30 Praise/Acoustic
  • 9:30 Sunday School for all ages
  • 11:00 Traditional w/choir and special music
bible, holy, hands-706641.jpg

Little River Methodist is a  caring Christian community.  Plug in and see where God leads you to serve Him.  

2023 Mission Trip to Roatan Honduras.

Mission - replacing screens in the boys’ home

Our recent mission trip to the boys’ home in Roatán Honduras was amazing.  

Our mission for this trip was to help support the home with some needed repairs, including replacing the badly worn screens to the building.   We successfully accomplished this mission for them, and everyone praised God for this opportunity to help.  We are thankful to the Little River Methodist Church congregation for their prayers and support of this international mission.  


The Majken Broby Children’s Home was established in 1981, and is named in the memory of the late Ms. Majken Broby, a woman who contributed time and resources to get the orphanage off the ground. Since it was established, some 100 children have benefited from an environment in which the health, safety and general welfare of the resident children receives substantial focus. Most of the residents come from broken homes, or homes in which the parents simply lack the resources to raise and support their children.

Little River Methodist is a church with a lot of heart.   God, church family, missions and community caring are our cornerstones.  

Operation Christmas Child

Mission - Providing gifts for the comunity children for Christmas.

Packing and preparing shoe boxes for boys and girls around the globe to reach children and spread the word of Christ.  51 shoe boxes were delivered to the collection center as part of this Samaritan’s Purse outreach.  

Live Broadcast of Services every Sunday starting at 11:00AM EST

NOTE: You must have access to Facebook to view live event


Church Experience

Come and join us Sunday for worship and fellowship.

We offer men’s,  women’s and youth study groups for your specific study needs in groups of your peers. We also offer choir for the people who love to sing in prayer and praise to our Lord. 

For The Family
Community Church

Experience worship and fellowship in a close-knit church!

The Church
Little River Methodist Church
The church and cemetery are located in Woodstock, GA.
Good Parking

Easy access and plenty of parking.

Friendly Staff
Come and join us next Sunday!

Experience the difference of a small comunity church!

24/7 FREE Food Pantry & FREE Library

The Pantry & Library are available for the community. The Pantry & Library are located at the back of the parking lot near the playground.



What we need

Come and grow with us!
