
Prayer Ministries

There are always unspoken needs and challenges.  No one wants to be needy, but often we just are.  Pray for your church family.  Lift them up to the Lord for healing, peace, and comfort.  Let them know no one fights battles alone when they have sisters and brothers in Christ.  We are called to intercede.  It is an honor and priviledge. 

Prayer Request

Helping people all over the world realize their dreams while helping the comunity bring joy and worship to their lives. 

Monday Morning Prayer Group

Meeting time 10:00 AM every Monday.
This ministry meets Monday mornings in the Fellowship Hall and averages around several folks weekly.  Each of these men and women  pray for our church family on a weekly basis. What a great group of individuals.  Cares and concerns are written on pew cards each week and are brought to the attention of Sandra Wehunt, ministry organizer, or Pastor Steve.  Cards are mailed and prayers raised over each care and concern.  The group appreciates all the support from the Church family.  Please continue to inform them of all your cares and concerns.
You may contact Pastor Steve, Sandra Wehunt, or leave a filled out prayer card in the pew or offering plate.
With God’s help, they will continue to reach out to folks in need.
Pastor Steve Matta or
Sandra Wehunt or
God Bless. 

Pastor Steve’s Prayer Challenge for the New Year: Dig deeper into the Bible. We have much to learn and a world waiting for God's truth and lessons.

What you'll learn

 Pastor Steve is always praying for this congregation, their health, growth and dedication to following Christ.  

Let’s remember to always be in prayer lifting this amazing Church and its ministries to God for His blessings.  Pray for our Pastor, our Music Ministry, our Children , Youth and Adult Ministries to reach hearts for Christ.  

What our congregation is saying

Finally found a church family where we can worship God together and build friendships.
Surprised at the number of missions this little church supports.
This church has a lot of community activities.
Wednesday Night Meals are delicious.